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Property Tax
Your application has been submitted. Please
this page for your records.
Reference Number:
Applicant's Name:
Birth Date:
Tel. Number:
Agent's Name:
Agent's Tel. Number:
Jur Number:
Roll Number:
Property ID:
Street Address:
Postal/Zip Code:
Claim Amount:
Balance after HOG Claim:
Thank you for using online Home Owner Grant services.
If the following information is correct, please click OK.
Otherwise, please click Cancel and make corrections.
Birth Date:
Email Address:
Agent's Name:
Jur No.:
Roll No.:
Postal/ZIP Code:
Claim Type:
Claim Amount:
Jurisdiction Number
Folio/Roll Number:
Roll/Folio Number
Access Code/PIN:
Access/PIN Code
Claim Home Owner Grant
Application for Home Owner Grant
under the
Home Owner Grant Act
- Complete and submit this form to apply for the home owner grant for the current tax year.
- If you miss the due date, you may apply for the home owner grant until December 31; however, penalties may apply.
- To avoid penalties your application must be received by the due date stated on your property tax notice.
- If you did not claim the home owner grant for the previous year, you may apply for a retroactive home owner grant.
- Please contact the Village of Chase for further information on late or retroactive home owner grant claims.
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA)
The personal information on this form is collected for the purposes of administering the
Home Owner Grant Act (HOGA)
under the authority of section 8(1),(3) and 10(4) of the HOGA and under sections 26(a) and (c) of the FOIPPA. Questions about the collection or use of this information can be directed to the Manager, Home Owner Grant Administration, PO Box 9991 Stn Prov Govt, Victoria, BC V8W 9R7 (telephone: Victoria at 250 356-8904 or toll-free at 1 888 355-2700).
The information provided on this form may be shared for the purposes of administering the
Land Tax Deferment Act, Property Transfer Tax Act and Taxation (Rural Area) Act.
* indicates a required field for entry
Folio/Roll Number:
Property Address:
Last Name:
First Name:
Middle Initial:
e-Mail Address:
Date of Birth:
(complete only if 65 years or older in the year)
If you are applying on behalf of the applicant with their permission, enter your last name, first name and telephone number below:
Last Name:
First Name:
To qualify for the home owner grant, you must:
- be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada,
- live in British Columbia, and
- occupy this residence as your principal residence
1. I qualify for the home owner grant amount of
and I am:
the registered owner of the residence, or the spouse or relative of the deceased owner and at the date the owner passed away we both occupied this residence as our principal residence.
2. I also qualify for the additional home owner grant amount of
as I:
[If eligible, check one choice below]
am a senior aged 65 or older this year,
[NOTE: If this is your first year applying for the additional home owner grant for this residence under any of the following four conditions, you will need to provide supporting documentation prior to claiming online for the additional grant. Please contact the Village of Chase for further information.]
receive provincial disability assistance, hardship assistance or a supplement under the
Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities Act
do not receive assistance as above, but I am a person with disabilities or I am living with a spouse or relative with disabilities,
am a surviving spouse of a veteran who received a War Veterans Allowance, or
am a spouse or relative of a deceased owner who passed away this year and the owner would have been eligible as a senior or a person with disabilities.
BY submitting this Home Owner Grant Claim Application, I certify that the information on this form is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge.
I understand that:
- only one home owner grant can be claimed by an owner and their spouse each year,
- the information provided on this form may be shared for the purposes of administering the
Land Tax Deferment Act
Property Transfer Tax Act
, and
Taxation (Rural Area) Act.
- home owner grants are audited for up to seven years to ensure applicants are eligible for the grants they receive, and
- it is an offense to make a false application for a home owner grant subject to a penalty of up to $10,000.
Submit Claim